Git Timesheet
I recently faced a situation where I needed to assess the amount of work done by each member of a team on a project that has spanned over a year. That project has a git repo, and I could see when each person made a commit. I decided to break it down by weeks. Whenever a person submitted any commit to the repo on any branch, I counted them as working on the project for that week. Of course this is imperfect- someone could work a lot and make no commits for that week and someone could have submitted a commit but might have worked very little. Still, this seems like the most fair way to assess work I could think of.
The code will work on any locally cloned git repo. skip
allows you to remove contributors, and is ideal for handling bots. author_map
allows you to tranform handles. This is ideal if members of your team make some contributions through PRs from a clone of the repo and some of their PRs through GitHub directly, or if they have multiple usernames.
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tqdm
import datetime
import matplotlib
def git_timesheet(git_dir, skip=None, author_map=None):
if skip is None:
skip = [
"!git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' `git symbolic-ref HEAD`",
if author_map is None:
author_map = dict()
os.system(f"git --git-dir {git_dir}/.git log --all --numstat --pretty=format:'--%h--%ad--%aN' --no-renames > git.log")
commits = pd.read_csv("git.log", sep="\u0012", header=None, names=['raw'])
commit_marker = commits[commits['raw'].str.startswith("--",na=False)]
commit_info = commit_marker['raw'].str.extract(r"^--(?P<sha>.*?)--(?P<date>.*?)--(?P<author>.*?)$", expand=True)
commit_info['date'] = pd.to_datetime(commit_info['date'])
file_stats_marker = commits[~commits.index.isin(commit_info.index)]
file_stats = file_stats_marker['raw'].str.split("\t", expand=True)
file_stats = file_stats.rename(columns={0: "insertions", 1: "deletions", 2: "filename"})
file_stats['insertions'] = pd.to_numeric(file_stats['insertions'], errors='coerce')
file_stats['deletions'] = pd.to_numeric(file_stats['deletions'], errors='coerce')
commit_data = commit_info.reindex(commits.index).fillna(method="ffill")
commit_data = commit_data[~commit_data.index.isin(commit_info.index)]
commit_data = commit_data.join(file_stats)
# get total authors and weeks
all_authors = commit_data["author"].unique()
all_authors = list(np.unique([author_map.get(x, x) for x in all_authors if x not in skip]))
dates = commit_data["date"]
start = dates.min()
stop = dates.max()
n_weeks = (stop-start).days // 7
timesheet = np.zeros((len(all_authors), n_weeks))
# iterate over commits and timesheet per week
for week_n in tqdm.trange(n_weeks):
week_start = start + datetime.timedelta(7 * (week_n-1))
week_stop = start + datetime.timedelta(7 * week_n)
commit_data_for_week = commit_data[(week_start < commit_data["date"]) & (commit_data["date"] < week_stop)]
authors_for_week = commit_data_for_week["author"].unique()
# handle different usernames
authors_for_week = list(np.unique([author_map.get(x, x) for x in authors_for_week]))
for i, author in enumerate(all_authors):
if author in authors_for_week:
timesheet[i, week_n] = 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(30, 10))
ax.imshow(timesheet, cmap="Greys")
_ = ax.set_yticklabels(all_authors)
plt.grid(which="both", linewidth=0.25, color="k")
I developed a function for parsing the git log and creating a visualization of weeks worked by each member. The repo I used this for is private, so I will demonstrate it on a separate repo from CatalystNeuro that is public.
"bendichter": "Ben Dichter",
"luiz": "Luiz Tauffer",
"luiztauffer": "Luiz Tauffer",
"CodyCBakerPhD": "Cody Baker",
"h-mayorquin": "Heberto Mayorquin",
"sbuergers": "Steffen Bürgers",
"weiglszonja": "Szonja Weigl",