The Neurodata Without Borders ecosystem for neurophysiological data science
eLife (2022)
O Ruebel, A Tritt, R Ly, B Dichter, S Ghosh, L Niu, P Baker, I Soltesz, L Ng
AJILE12: Long-term naturalistic human intracranial neural recordings and pose
Scientific data (2022)
SM Peterson, SH Singh, B Dichter, M Scheid, RPN Rao, BW Brunton
Pan-neuro: Interactive computing at scale with BRAIN dataset
OSF Preprints (2021)
A Rokem, B Dichter, C Holdgraf, S Ghosh
The Neurodata Without Borders ecosystem for neurophysiological data science
boiRxiv (2021)
Oliver RĂ¼bel, Andrew Tritt, Ryan Ly, Benjamin K. Dichter, Satrajit Ghosh, Lawrence Niu, Ivan Soltesz, Karel Svoboda, Loren Frank, Kristofer E. Bouchard
A NWB-based dataset and processing pipeline of human single-neuron activity during a declarative memory task
Scientific Data (2020)
Chandravadia, N., Liang, D., Schjetnan, A.G.P., Carlson A., Faraut M., Chung J.M., Reed C.M., Dichter, B., Maoz, U., Kalia S.K., Valiante, T.A., Mamelak, A.N., Rutishauser U.
The SONATA data format for efficient description of large-scale network models
PLoS computational biology (2020)
Dai K, Hernando J, Billeh YN, Gratiy SL, Planas J, Davison AP, Dura-Bernal S, Gleeson P, Devresse A, Dichter BK, Gevaert M
HDMF: Hierarchical Data Modeling Framework for Modern Science Data Standards
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
Tritt, A.J., RĂ¼bel, O., Dichter, B., Ly, R., Kang, D., Chang, E.F., Frank, L.M. and Bouchard, K
iEEG-BIDS, extending the Brain Imaging Data Structure specification to human intracranial electrophysiology
Scientific data (2019)
Holdgraf, C., Appelhoff, S., Bickel, S., Bouchard, K., D’Ambrosio, S., David, O., Devinsky, O., Dichter, B., Flinker, A., Foster, B.L. and Gorgolewski, K.J.,
NWB: N 2.0: An Accessible Data Standard for Neurophysiology
bioRxiv (2019)
Ruebel, O., Tritt, A., Dichter, B., Braun, T., Cain, N., Clack, N., Davidson, T.J., Dougherty, M., Fillion-Robin, J.C., Graddis, N. and Grauer, M.
The Control of Vocal Pitch in Human Laryngeal Motor Cortex
Cell (2018)
Dichter, B.K., Breshears, J.D., Leonard, M.K., Chang, E.F.
Dynamic structure of neural variability in the cortical representation of speech sounds
Journal of Neuroscience (2016)
Dichter, B.K., Bouchard, K. E., & Chang, E. F.
Muscle synergies after stroke are correlated with perilesional high gamma. Annals of clinical and translational neurology
Annals of clinical and translational neurology (2016)
Godlove, J., Gulati, T., Dichter, B., Chang, E., & Ganguly, K.
Decoding speech using the timing of neural signal modulation
In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual International Conference
Jiang, W., Pailla, T., Dichter, B., Chang, E. F., & Gilja, V.
ECoG data analyses to inform closed-loop BCI experiments for speech-based prosthetic applications
In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual International Conference
Pailla, T., Jiang, W., Dichter, B., Chang, E. F., & Gilja, V.
Recurrent exponential-family harmoniums without backprop-through-time
arXiv preprint (2016)
Makin, J. G., Dichter, B. K., & Sabes, P. N.
High-resolution, non-invasive imaging of upper vocal tract articulators compatible with human brain recordings
PLoS One (2016)
Bouchard, K. E., Conant, D. F., Anumanchipalli, G. K., Dichter, B., Chaisanguanthum, K. S., Johnson, K., & Chang, E. F.
Learning to estimate dynamical state with probabilistic population codes
PLoS Computational Biology (2015)
Makin, J. G.*, Dichter, B. K.*, & Sabes, P. N.
A multi-modal imaging system for simultaneous measurement of speech articulator kinematics for bedside applications in clinical settings
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2014)
Conant, D. F., Bouchard, K. E., Gopala, A. K., Dichter, B., & Chang, E. F.